Open Compute

Fuente: AKCP

The Open Compute Project (OCP) is revolutionizing the data center industry. Created in 2011, its mission is to apply the benefits of open source and open collaboration technologies to hardware and rapidly increase the pace of innovation within, near and around networking equipment within the data center, general purpose servers, GPUs, storage devices and scalable designs for cabinets. OCP’s collaboration model is going beyond the data center, helping to advance the infrastructure and telecommunications industry.

Benefits when using the
Open Compute Project (OCP)

Power Effectiveness (lower OPEX)

Technical innovations in the design of the entire infrastructure have allowed Facebook to lead the ranking with the lowest PUE (Power Effectiveness Usage) in the world.

High Density (lower CAPEX)

Design that maximizes computing power (more cores) per unit of space.

Space availability (less CAPEX/OPEX)

New rack, with power bar allowing less cables and a cleaner installation.

(lower OPEX)

Ease of operation and maintenance (less OPEX).

Longer Life
Cycles (ROI)

An OCP installation evolves over many years, by modularly upgrading the different components.

Whitestack’s proposal for Open Compute hardware includes Software Defined Storage (SDS) servers for computation and storage, cabinets with their respective power supplies.The servers have Intel or AMD processors, allowing versatility in the configurations that are required for certain workloads.

Do you want to know more about Open Compute products? Click here.


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