Converged PaaS & Telco, ubiquitous workloads WhiteCruiser is our containerized PaaS solution, based on our successful Kubernetes distribution, WhiteMist, as base engine, adding the most

Openstack Powered™ hyperscalable Cloud solution Our OpenStack distribution enables a fully automated multi-site environment for providing private and public, carrier-grade Cloud services. Our containerized distribution

Kubernetes based containers orchestration Containers bring a new cloud model, by packaging application’s file system, deploying it in a standardized way, and running it within

Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networks (SDN) are technologies that provide agility in the networking space, while reducing CAPEX and OPEX, but they

High-performance Software Defined Storage Software Defined Storage moves the logic from storage hardware to the software layer, allowing a software program to control commodity hardware

Programmatic Networks, based on Open-Source For data center fabrics, we provide a level of automation that is useful for instantiating the network connectivity of VNFs

End-to-end Cloud & Network Management WhiteMON, mainly based on OpenNMS, Grafana, Prometheus and ELK, is a carrier-grade manager to monitor a large number of elements,

Atmosphera Hybrid-Cloud orchestration managers like OpenStack, oVirt and Kubernetes-based platforms, proprietary solutions like VMWare VCenter, and public clouds like AWS and Azure.Share For more information